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What Do You Say at Advent?


I didn't grow up in the tradition of following the Christian Calendar, so when I became a Methodist in 1995, I wasn't familiar with the Advent Season. I was curious about so much! Is there a special greeting at Advent like there is at Christmas? “Merry Advent!”

I never heard a formal Advent greeting, but I did hear about the anticipation and preparation - not for Christmas - but for Christ's Return. I learned how the season builds each week on the hope, love, joy, and peace offered to us through God's Love.

After all these years, Advent still stirs within me the awareness that something is stirring. I may not can see it, but there is a renewing of heart and mind... a calling to recenter on what is truly important.

I hope you will join me in allowing God's Spirit to awaken within each of us the hope, love, joy, and peace that has been deposited within each of our hearts and minds through Jesus.

By the way, I went to my favorite search engine and typed in, "What do you say at Advent?"

Come, Lord Jesus! Amen

Amen and Amen!

Advent Blessings,

Pastor Jo

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