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"The Best Sermon You've Preached So Far"


With a pandemic that won't go away, storm after storm, blue tarp after blue tarp, school starting, workloads increasing because of being short-staffed - I was more than a tad apprehensive about preaching from Job. He certainly isn't a story we turn to for a quick "pick me up!"

Yet, there was something about his story that resonates with us - especially those of us who are struggling to make sense of this thing called life. I admit, I was a bit taken back by the "best sermon" comments. I heard them from those present, those who worshipped online, those who listened to the sermon during the week.

If something in the sermon resonates with you in a powerful way, if God spoke a word of hope through this ancient text I would love to hear from you so that I may join you in praising God for the mountains you are climbing, the paths you are clearing, the relationships you are strengthening.

We will continue Job's story on Sunday, October 10 at 10 AM.

May your sunsets always bring you comfort,

Pastor Jo

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