Our church as adopted “Reconnect in 2022” as our focus for this year - to reconnect to God, one another, and the community around us. We have talked about it in sermons, weaved the theme into worship, been intentional in offering opportunities for Bible Study, shared-interest groups, outreach, and fellowship.
We’ve seen it most evident in how we pray the Lord’s Prayer… Our Father… give us… forgive us… lead us… deliver us…
It became real to me this morning during my personal prayer time. I meet with a group of clergy each morning from 7:00-8:00. These clergy are from all over the United States. During this hour there is an intentional time of silent prayer. This morning there were only a few of us on the call. I felt drawn to pray for each one individually.
For one I prayed that God would clear a path for her to experience God’s peace today. For another I prayed that he would know that he is enough. For another I prayed that she would know she would walk in the joy of knowing she is loved by a gracious God.
In that moment I realized the very prayers I offered for my friends were also the desires for my life… to experience God’s peace, to know that I am enough, and that I would walk this day in the joy of my salvation.
Let us listen to our prayers for one another. We might just find the desires of our own hearts and a powerful reconnection.
Pastor Jo
August 1, 2022
