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I was looking forward to preaching last week’s sermon about how Jesus dealt with a major change in his life and how we can learn from his experience. I didn’t get to preach that sermon because I was dealing with a major change in my life! Oh, the irony! My heart went into atrial fibrillation and I had to be hospitalized for the night. Obviously, my “change of plans” changed the plans of others. Rev. Becky Conner changed her plans in order to preach and preside at the Communion Table for us Sunday morning. My family’s plans were changed, and the friends we were going to meet Sunday for lunch had to change their plans. Other friends changed their plans just so they could be on standby in case we needed them. Our congregation had to change how we blessed the backpacks. So many changes! This Sunday we will wrap up our WordSearch Sermon Series as we consider the experiences of Jesus and Peter. Would we have the feeding of the 5,000 and the walking on the water without the changes that came before these miraculous events? Let us stay curious as to how changes in our community invite us to grow in wisdom and compassion and love for one another. The need for wisdom, compassion, and love is one thing that never changes!

Pastor Jo

August 11, 2023

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In preparation for July 4th I found this information concerning John Adams and the Fourth of July. Because of the work completed on July 2, 1776 by the Second Continental Congress concerning the Declaration of Independence, John Adams thought that July 2 should be the country’s birthday. He was so adamant about it that he refused to participate in Fourth of July celebrations for the rest of his life.

Did Adams ever consider joining the celebration but then his pride got in the way? When do we stand firm or let go? How do we know which cause to defend and which cause to release? Years ago I pondered these questions during a time of prayer. I remembered two events that happened in the life of Jesus--the overturning of the tables in the Temple (Matthew 21:12-13) and when he stood silent before Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14).

I noticed two things. The ruckus Jesus caused in the Temple was to ensure a space for all peoples. The silence before Pilate had to do with what others said about him. For me, I see Jesus as so certain of his purpose and his mission that what others thought about him was not his agenda. Offering freedom to everyone was what Jesus lived and died for. It was why he was resurrected from the dead--so that each of us may find freedom and the space to grow in that freedom.

John Adams? Ironically, he died on July 4, 1826.

Pastor Jo

July 3, 2023

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Water, ice, steam

A braided rope

A triangle

So many weak attempts to explain the Trinity.

The truth is that we cannot explain God. Oh, we continue to try. For centuries we have tried — and for centuries we have fallen short.

Thanks be to God that God is not an equation to be mastered.

Thanks be to God that God is not a puzzle to be solved.

God is the “I AM” God has been, God is, and God will be.

God created and God creates

God spoke and God speaks

God comforted and God comforts

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

God the Creator God the Redeemer God the Sustainer.

We still aren’t quite sure how to label God and even though our attempts to explain and label fall short, many would rather fight over explaining and labeling God instead of following and growing in God’s ways.

Creator: How are we allowing God to create within us? How are we allowing God to create through us--paths for peace comfort, paths for healing and new ideas?

Redeemer: How are we allowing God to redeem within us? How are we allowing God to redeem through us so that we can live in freedom and free others from standards and expectations that are not healthy?

Sustainer: How are we allowing God to sustain us? How are we allowing God to use us in sustaining? In supporting? In offering relief?

How will you choose to see God today?

Pastor Jo

June 5, 2023

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