In Robert Gelinas’ book, Finding the Groove: Composing a Jazz-Shaped Faith, he asked the question, “Do you have time or does time have you?” He goes on to suggest that we are consumed with time, measuring everything in minutes, instead of moments.
I’ve attended lots of concerts and no matter the genre, there always seems to be a moment where the band, the chorale ensemble, and even the symphony, will take a break so that one instrument or one voice is featured. Maybe you have noticed in the Book of Psalms that you will sometimes see the word, “Selah.” The word is found at least 71 times throughout the Psalms. We are taught that it means to pause, to ponder, to reflect.
Gelinas reminds us that, “Sabbath and Selah are preplanned moments where we have time to listen. They are breaks in the cacophony of our lives.”
This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost — a time of miraculous speech, but also a time of intentional listening. 3,000 believed and were baptized that day because they stayed around to listen, not only to Peter, but to God.
Dare we be so bold as to set aside time to listen to God? Dare we be so bold as to stop and listen to one another? Who knows — in doing so, we just might find the miracle of community in our own lives.
Pastor Jo
June 7, 2022
