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A Familiar Tune


My week started with the congregation singing, "Happy Birthday" to me before worship. Monday morning began with "Rainy Days and Mondays" twirling around in my thoughts. (I love the Carpenters and... it was raining... on a Monday).

As Monday progressed I found myself challenged with how I would live out this week sandwiched between Ascension and Pentecost Sundays. Does it make a difference? After all, I'm just one person.

And, as the day draws to a close I hear yet another familiar tune... "God Bless America" is blaring from a truck parked across the street. It is a beautiful rendition - one that causes me to pause and take notice. What I notice is another neighbor pulling up in her driveway after a long shift at the hospital. She must be really tired. In that moment I was reminded that we are called to be the blessing to each other - whether neighbors or strangers.

What if this week, each of us - just one person - vowed to live with intentionality, to share kindness and hospitality to just one person? You - One person… God not only sees you, God continues to whisper a familiar tune of love, mercy, and grace into your life.

I am praying for you,

Pastor Jo

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